Men’s Clothing & Food Drive
Waterdown Collision is excited to announce our Winter Community Outreach Initiative. Please join us in supporting Chaplain Roger Boyd and his Men’s Street Ministry. Roger has a mobile service that goes directly to the homeless in Hamilton and Brantford. In addition to distributing donated clothing, toiletries, sleeping bags and tents, Roger and his wife Janet serve 700+ meals a week. This includes 1,500 sandwiches and 50-60 gallons of soup a week!
Donations can be dropped off at our location and we’ll take care of delivering them. For more information on the Men’s Street Ministry or to make a monetary donation please visit www.menstreetministry.ca
For the Homeless:
- Gently used men’s clothing
- Winter Coats (zippers must be functioning)*
- Boots/Shoes/SocksHooded Sweatshirts *
- Layering items (long johns etc.)
- Gloves*
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Toiletries, deodorant, shampoo, tooth paste, toothbrushes*
For Men’s Street Ministries: (these items will assist with making sandwiches, soups, chili)
- Cans of Tuna*
- Mayonnaise*
- Peanut Butter*
- Beans – all sorts for chili*
- Dry Lasagne Noodles
- Cans of Tomato sauce
* denotes high demand items